Transforming New Creative Values in Arts and Culture

   +62 813-6465-3235 (Publication) / +62 822-4014-2025 (Conference)    Pascasarjana ISBI Bandung - Grand Preanger Hotel Bandung

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Conferences Term


  1. Presenting a live (offline) article with a duration of 10 minutes and an additional 5 minutes for the video show.
  2. Present the article (online) by submitting a video presentation with a maximum duration of 10 minutes 
  3. Presentation templates are made and will be sent by the committee.
  4. Presentations and videos are sent at the latest one day before the activity



  1. Participants who attend offline activities will receive a seminar kit, certificate, and lunch, as well as snacks and coffee breaks for the two days of the seminar.
  2. Participants who attend offline activities will receive a certificate

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Secretariat :
Postgraduated Program ISBI Bandung


© 2024 · Incarture – Transforming New Creative Values in Arts and Culture

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